Musical instrument, any device for producing a musical sound. The principal types of such instruments, classified by the method of producing sound, are percussion, stringed, keyboard, wind, and electronic.
Here are some of the common musical instrument with illustration: harmonica, conga drum, accordion, saxophone, castanet, ringbell, triangle, guitar, piano, electric keyboard, drum, cymbal, electric guitar, tambourine, trumpet, maracas
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printable, deped, resources, free, download, pictures, images, IM's, lesson, school, instructional materials, kids, elementary, kindergarten, teachers, files, visual materials, visual aids, flashcards, picture cards, charts, music, music teacher, musical instruments
Here are some of the common musical instrument with illustration: harmonica, conga drum, accordion, saxophone, castanet, ringbell, triangle, guitar, piano, electric keyboard, drum, cymbal, electric guitar, tambourine, trumpet, maracas
If you are the original creator of these images, comment below so we can give the proper credit.
printable, deped, resources, free, download, pictures, images, IM's, lesson, school, instructional materials, kids, elementary, kindergarten, teachers, files, visual materials, visual aids, flashcards, picture cards, charts, music, music teacher, musical instruments